Paving & Drainage (P&D) Permits
The District shall review all proposed drainage and surface water management works as defined to include any work which could affect or modify the natural flow or level of water whether surface or subterranean in origin and including, but not limited to, canals, lakes, dams, levees, culverts, pipes, bridges, reservoirs, structures, stormwater pumping stations, embankments, excavation, filling, grading, roadways, parking areas, internal drainage systems, swales, landscape areas, dikes, retention systems, detention systems, flood plains and other related drainage or water management works.
The first floor elevations of all structures within the District shall be set such that the structure is protected from a 100-year, 3-day storm event. The minimum roadway crown elevation and parking lot elevation, whether inverted crown or standard crown, shall be protected from a 10-year, 3-day storm event. These criterion are in addition to any other criterion established by local, county, state or federal agencies/codes/maps. The applicant should be aware that these are minimum criteria and may be increased by the Engineer of Record, as applicable.
The Engineer shall refer to Chapter 3 of SBDD’s Design Criteria Manual for specifics on discharge criteria, water quality, soil storage, drainage of adjacent properties, wellfields, roadway and swale grading, single family lot grading, basin storage requirements and surface water management areas, second order drainage systems, drainage structures, pollution retardant basins and pollutant retardant baffles, exfiltration systems, headwalls, guardrail, residential driveway canal crossings, utility conflict structures, lake interconnects, lake and canal excavation, culvert crossings, bridge crossings, utility permits, wetland mitigation areas, fountains, aerators and sprinkler intake lines.
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