Resident Concerns
One of the District’s main functions as water managers is to operate SBDD’s stormwater pump stations and major control structures before, during, and after intense rainfall events. The District’s Stormwater system encompasses a network of over 900 culverts, 7,700 acres of lakes, and miles of freshwater canals. It is imperative to keep the waterways open and free from obstructions to keep the system working at its optimal condition. Although SBDD staff spends a lot of time monitoring the waterways, if a culvert becomes blocked, or the water levels appear to be higher than normal, or something doesn’t look right please contact us. Understanding how your neighborhood’s drainage system works is a big part of how you can help us manage the waterways and drainage systems more efficiently.
Although flood protection is our primary function, water quality is of equal importance and any illicit discharge into a water body should be identified and reported. Residents are encouraged to follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) to keep our water resources protected.
For more information on our waterways or to report areas of concern see the links below.