Illicit Discharges and Dumping into Water Bodies
Only stormwater (rain water) and non-toxic water should be discharged or placed into a storm drain or a water body. Illegal discharges and dumping of toxic substances into surface waters can ultimately impact the groundwater, and potentially threaten our drinking water supply. Any property owner or resident who witnesses anyone dumping or otherwise placing a toxic or illegal substance into a storm drain or water body (lake, canal, ditch, wetland, etc.) should call the Broward County Environmental Response Hotline at 954-519-1499. Likewise, if any property owner or resident witnesses anyone dumping debris or other materials into a water body, they should call their local Code Enforcement Office to report this activity. The following details should be noted from a safe distance and to the highest degree possible:
• Note the location of the incident including cross streets, city, and zip code (if known).
• Time and date the incident occurred.
• Look for visibly stained soils and note the size of the contaminated area.
• Labels, names, phone numbers, license plate, or markings from any suspected source.
When you call the Broward County Environmental Response Hot Line or Local Code Enforcement Office, please mention any and all of these details in your report.